Mario Chamorro and Daniel Paluska

The Happy Post Project and Playing Games, Ongoing
Post-its, video, mixed media

The Happy Post Project is a social movement. Believing that spreading happiness is a powerful platform for social change, Chamorro and Paluska invite people from across the globe to answer a simple question: “What makes you happy?” With a Post-it as their canvas, people write down and draw their idea of happiness.

So far, the project has reached more than 2 million people in 23 different countries. Artists Mario Chamorro and Dan Paluska have brought this project to the South Bronx, reaching out to residents around the Andrew Freedman Home to ask “what makes you happy?” The Post-its they created fill an entire room on the second floor of the Home, providing a moving and thought-provoking glimpse into the community. Visitors to This Side of Paradise are encouraged to interact with the exhibit by adding their own post-its to the wall. The room will demonstrate the power and connectivity fostered by simple acts of positivity.

Special thanks to Lead Dog Marketing Group and to friends and family that have been always around.

