April 17, 2020

4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

NLE’s Youth Action Council welcomed neurosurgeon and artist, Dr. Kathryn Ko as part of NLE NYCapsule where she shared her journey through the worlds of science and art. Based at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, New York, Dr. Ko is a master of both the art of medicine and the visual arts. During her session, Dr. Ko stressed the importance of the bridge between the arts and science and motivated the youth to envision their futures with the “passion, dedication and discipline” to realize their goals. She also invited NLE NYCapsule youth to lead her #whitecoatchallenge, an initiative to build solidarity and support for our COVID-19 fearless front-liners in healthcare through the “blank canvas” of the white coat as a symbol of care and healing.

Dr. Ko grew up in Oahu, Hawaii and moved to New York in 1983 to pursue neurosurgery. She graduated from Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City and chose to stay after residency due to her exposure to the arts in New York City along with her drive to explore art herself. She has since received her MFA from the Academy of Art University in Representational Painting and Drawing.