
Nicolás Dumit Estévez

Nicolás Dumit Estévez treads an elusive path. His work manifests itself both performatively and through experiences in which art and the quotidian overlap. For the Old Bronx Borough Courthouse, he shows a film made in collaboration with the senior citizens of Casa de la Felicidad, located a few blocks away from the courthouse. Throughout the run of the exhibition, Dumit Estévez will also perform spontaneous “cleansing” rituals within the building, to be documented by a court sketcher.

Growing Older in the South Bronx/Envejeciendo en el Sur del Bronx, 2011
Nicolás Dumit Estévez with Antonia Álvarez, Cristina Álvarez, Felipe Amaro, Salvador Castro, Marina Chacón, Ausberta Colón, Nicolás Cruz, María Gaud, Octavia Gerónimo, Hugo Gerónimo, Ana Malpica, Lydia Milanés, Evelyn Madden, Eudoxia Mejía and Carlos Pérez
Video documentation of live actions
44 minutes and 30 seconds
Photo: Ian Douglas

Wake-Up Call, 2015
Documentation of live action (in progress)
Court sketches: Dulcina Abréu 

