Outside the Lines
Launched in March 25, Outside the Lines is part of InResponse: (Im)migration platform which addresses the increasingly inhumane immigration policies that are doing harm to our neighbors, colleagues and friends, in the places where we live and work. Outside the Lines is an ongoing online resource archiving the work of artists, activists and organizations who who engage the arts to investigate and amplify issues related to immigration
Our goal is to grow and expand this resource along five trajectories:
Artists explore the complexity of immigration through practices ranging from the visual arts to performance and from sculpture to social practice. While some respond from their own lived experience as systemically impacted immigrants, others are citizens and allies working toward a more humane immigration system.
Activators contribute to this discourse through mediums including literature, podcasts, mobile applications, comedy andactivist practices.
Organizations are front-line service providers who have a track record of demonstrating how the arts can be used to educate and mobilize their constituents.
Exhibitions and Programs showcase our contemporary exploration of the theme, and illustrate how curators and program coordinators are taking new steps to examine the issues.
Resources offer insight into a range of perspectives on our current political climate, including subjects such as Universities as Sanctuary, Know Your Rights trainings, The State of the Black Immigrant in America, and Labor Rights.
Together, this site amplifies a rich body of creative work that has helped shift public discourse on themes of (Im)migration. Our hope is that it will provide both inspiration and tools for transforming our culture and building a more just system.
Please share and contribute your ideas for the site with us here!